July 29, 2008

British Woman to Lead Team of Women to South Pole

Felicity Ashton, a 30-year-old British scientist plans to lead a team of eight women from Cyprus, Ghana, India, Singapore, Brunei, New Zealand, Jamaica and Britain to the South Pole. The goal is to leave in time to reach the Pole by New Year's Day, 2010. Felicity is recruiting adventurous women right now, so if you hail from any of the countries listed above and are interested in joining the Commonwealth Women's Antarctic Expedition, click on over to www.commonwealthexpedition.com. Don't delay, application deadlines are in August. Wondering if you have what it takes to ski to the Antarctic? According to Stuff.co.nz,

Aston said she would not be looking for the most athletic sportswomen, the most accomplished skiers or the most widely travelled: "I will be looking for women who inspire me, women who are reaching beyond the expectation of others and following their own path."

link updated 1/11/2012

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