September 10, 2009

Roz Savage Completes Stage Two of Her Solo Trip Across the Pacific

One of the first posts I ever wrote for AWB was about Roz Savage's effort to row across the Pacific -- solo. I felt a bond with Roz and watched with great interest as she spent day after day on the open ocean. She gave it an excellent effort but that particular trip didn't end the way she had hoped.

Not one to give up, Roz took a break to regroup and set off again. Yesterday, after months of rowing, she completed stage two of her three-part trans-Pacific journey. So far, Roz has rowed from California to Hawaii and from Hawaii to Tarawa. The final leg will take her to Australia.

For more on Roz's landing in Tarawa, read this post on Treehugger.

To read Roz's blog, click here.

To track Roz's every move as she continues her journey, click here.

Photo courtesy of Roz Savage

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