January 16, 2012

Ride a Unicycle

We've all had birthdays that marked a personal milestone. You know, one of those uncomfortable ages that cause one to reflect on life and wonder if it is going in the right direction.  CBS' Susan Spencer just achieved an "unmentionable birthday" and decided to celebrate by taking on a new challenge. Her present to herself? Learn to ride a unicycle! She was brave enough to record her effort and let it air on Sunday Morning.  Happy Birthday Susan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this idea. I am just starting my own blog(Flourish) to share my journey and help women create balanced, rich, adventurous lives. I love to be outdoors and made the decision to just start doing the adventures I love. I find too often, as women, and especially Moms, we focus on everybody else and limit our fun to eating, talking, and the occasional adventure to support others (children, spouses, boyfriends). I love to have adventure and am looking forward to creating my own. I plan to share that journey to inspire other women to do the same. I will be cking in to see where your journeys take you! PaMela